Business Process Transformation

In a highly competitive environment with razor thin margins, high capital costs, mainly fixed costs over the short run and volatile, high cost fuel, airlines need to exert maximum effort to reduce non-fuel costs and to boost revenues. Legacy carriers are facing a rising tide of low and ultra low-cost carriers, regional carriers are under pressure from their larger partners, and even the LCC and ULCC carriers are under attack from each other and from new, stripped down Economy class offerings from the major carriers.

AirTrav and our associates have considerable expertise in driving out costs and boosting revenues cross-enterprise. Our approaches include the following:

  • Airline performance analysis, taking a quick snapshot of key performance indicators across the organization
  • Audit specific high impact costs in commercial, financial and operational departments
  • Benchmark airline and airport cost and revenue performance versus geographic and size-based peers
  • Benchmark airport aeronautical related fees including landing, gate, apron parking, FIDS and GIDS, and more
  • Change management assistance based on migration plans and training
  • Crisis intervention via turnaround plans and restructuring to avert bankruptcy, or to mitigate crises while in bankruptcy
  • Identify opportunities and suggest strategies and implementation pathways that intersect people, processes, data and technology
  • Organizational review to ensure the best talent and the right amount of talent is optimally deployed pan-enterprise
  • Review airline revenue management practices, ancillary revenue strategies and merchandising/eCommerce capabilities
  • Review airport non-aeronautical revenues, including all food and non-food concessions, parking and other landside services